"SO, HOW did your confrontation with Ruto go?"

Nikolai flinched at Mona's question as soon as he returned to his bedroom.

He took a bath and changed his clothes in a different room to use it as an excuse as to why he left early. But it was useless.

[Mona already knows that I went out to confront Ruston Stroganoff, so I can't deny it.]

"Nikolai, you're so petty," Juliet said, then she sipped her milk. "Neoma is an adult inside. Moreover, I heard from Mona that Neoma and Ruto seemed to have been lovers in the first timeline. What's wrong if they continue their relationship now?"

"Neoma is still too young to have a lover," Nikolai said firmly, then he sat on the chair next to Mona– joining the ladies in the round table where a simple breakfast was spread. "She's only thirteen years old. I know it's rich coming from me who was already dating Mona at that age. However, my opinion won't change."