[Three years ago…]

"NEOMA, the Ancient Devil has already eaten most of my positive feelings for you."

Hearing that from Ruto broke Neoma's heart, but she didn't let it show. "Should I return there?"

Right now, Neoma was sitting in front of her vanity mirror. But instead of her reflection, she was looking and talking to Ruto. Yes, that mirror was a communication device that Trevor created with blood, sweat, and tears.

[It's not an exaggeration. Trevor might be one of the best Sorcerers out there, but it's still not easy to create a communication device that could link two different worlds together.]

But Trevor succeeded, proving that he was a genius.

"The door is incomplete yet, but I think Trevor could make it work if he's just sending me."

The door wasn't totally open yet.

Hence, using it might be risky even if it was just one person.

[But I'm willing to take that risk for Ruto.]