HOW SHOULD Neoma explain this feeling?

[I'm a strong independent woman, you know?]

That meant she was used to doing everything and anything on her own. She hated relying on others. Most of all, she hated it when people were inconvenienced because of her. Hence, even though she was working with other people, she developed the bad habit of taking the heaviest workload so that her allies wouldn't be too burdened.

[Huh? I think that's the part about me that my "children" hate.]


[I get it now.]

Fortunately, her "children" didn't have to worry about that today.

After all, Neoma felt so relieved to see her Papa Boss and Mama Boss in the court.

For the first time in a long while, she didn't feel like doing everything on her own. Now that her parents were here, she could finally relax.