
[That annoying voice…]

"Your Royal Highness is still as beautiful as ever!"

Neoma was surprised when Aspen, Ruto's demigod friend, appeared out of nowhere.

But she didn't mind. In fact, she liked how Aspen was in love with her face since it stroked her ego.

And yeah, that was her narcissism speaking.

"Hello, Lord Aspen," Neoma greeted the demigod in a friendly manner. "Fancy meeting you here."

"My father is having a conference with Lord Levi and the other gods in the Upper World," Aspen said in an equally friendly voice. "And Captain Ruto informed me last night that he'll have a slightly serious sparring with you here. I can't miss it for the world."

Neoma just smiled at the demigod's enthusiasm.

[I know Lord Aspen is way older than me, but he acts like a golden retriever. Will he get insulted if I asked to pet his head?]
