"YOUR WIFE is strong– don't worry too much," Nikolai said while patting Glenn's shoulder. "But I know how you feel, so I already asked the Fletcher Twins to delay their return. They'll guard Queen Brigitte discreetly."

Glenn turned to him with tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It's not like I don't trust our kingdom's army to keep Brigitte and our children safe. But our people are Non-Mana users, so if the crows attack our kingdom with Darkness and Impure Mana…"

His old friend didn't have to finish his sentence for Nikolai to understand what Glenn was worried about the most.

Glenn had to send his pregnant wife and three-year-old son back to the Hazelden Kingdom while he and his other two kids were left in the empire.

[The queen has to return to her kingdom since she has duties to fulfill. On the other hand…]