NERO raised an eyebrow at the shaking little prince standing before him. "What? Are you disappointed that you'd be working under me instead of Neoma?" He smirked at the child. "Too bad for you. I'm the one in charge of the Astello Temple and anything related to it."

Prince Skylus just lowered his head to avoid his gaze.

Nero summoned the new saint to his office because he was now in charge of the Astello Temple.

[We can't send this child back to the Hazelden Kingdom yet.]

"Why are you scaring Prince Skylus?" Melvin scolded Nero with clenched hands. "Prince Nero, must I remind you that you're a lot older than Prince Skylus? You shouldn't be acting this way. Moreover, Prince Skylus is the next saint. I know that you're very disrespectful to people you don't like, but at least spare the child."

Melvin was the only person in the world who could nag and insult Nero with his head still attached to his neck.

[He should be grateful that he's useful.]