RUNNING AWAY from Nero made Neoma feel like she was the female lead in a thriller movie where she had to escape from her stalker or something.

Of course, even thriller movies had a romance subplot sometimes.

And, in this case, Ruto was clearly her male lead.


[I could already hear Trevor crying if he heard my silly thoughts just now.]

"Neoma, I don't think Prince Nero is still chasing after us."

"Ah, is that so?" Neoma asked, slowing down. But she still didn't let go of Ruto's hand (and Ruto was carrying the baby god in his other arm). "Then let's choose a romantic place for our first kiss."

She already had a place in mind, and they were headed that way.

Of course, it was none other than her favorite place in the Royal Palace– the pavilion by the pond. Hence, Papa Boss made it so only Neoma and her people could enter the place.

"We're not going to kiss, Neoma."

"Accidents happen, Ruto."