"TSK." Nero couldn't help but click his tongue at Ruto. "It's annoying to see the face of the thief who dared to lay his hand on my precious twin sister."

"Yes, I'm the thief who dared to lay his hand on the precious Imperial Princess," Ruto said calmly. "To what do I owe the honor of getting a visit from the His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince in our humble abode?"


The Stroganoff Mansion wasn't, by any means, 'humble.' It was almost as big and as elegant as the Quinzel Mansion.

And, yes, he personally visited the annoying chef at his mansion.

The servants of House Stroganoff were very surprised when they saw him– especially since he was alone.

Technically, he wasn't alone.

William opened a portal for him so he could reach House Stroganoff fast. But the Grand Spirit didn't like dealing with humans, so William disappeared as soon as they arrived there.