[WARNING: Seggs/smut scene! If you want Glenn and Brigitte to remain a wholesome couple in your eyes, skip this chapter. LOL. Although they couldn't be considered an 'innocent' couple considering they have four children already. The other adult couples (ahem, NikolaixMona, DominicxNichole, ahem) should catch up. Haha!]


BRIGITTE had been sleeping in her own bedroom for the past week because she was sick.

She didn't want her husband to catch her flu, after all.

However, she had already fully recovered.

Hence, she decided to surprise Glenn and join him back in their bedroom starting tonight.

She entered their chamber as quietly as possible and closed the door behind her in the same manner.

Brigitte smiled when she saw Glenn on the bed…

… then froze on the spot when she realized that her husband was fully-naked, and his hand was busy…