HANNA was pleasantly surprised when she returned to her mother's room.

She was expecting to find her mother in the same frenzied state that she was in ever since she was turned into a reanimated corpse.

However, it was the opposite.

Her mother was calm and almost asleep.

"What happened, Your Majesty?" Hanna asked the empress carefully. "Is my mother doing well?"

Empress Mona smiled and nodded. "Luckily, purifying has a calming effect on Amber."

"I see," she said, nodding. Then she knitted her eyebrows. "But why did Your Majesty's purifying ability work on Mother? Is it because Your Majesty's purifying ability is different from divine power?"

The empress shook her head. "I don't think that's the case since Ruto said that any kind of purifying power won't work on the reanimated corpses made from Absolute Darkness. However, I have a theory."

"May I know what it is, Your Majesty?"