"YOU'LL die if I hug you, Father. Not that I want to."

Nikolai already expected that rejection, but it still hurt.

Even so, he didn't resent his daughter. He had no right to do so. In fact, he was already grateful that Neoma didn't stab him in the heart.

[I deserve that for all the pain I've put her through in the first timeline.]

"It seems like you're aware of how horrible you were in the past, Father," the older Neoma said, smiling bitterly. "I almost didn't recognize you. The father in my memories had never looked at me with affection, after all."

Nikolai's arms fell to his sides, then he clenched his hands tight. "I know I'm already too late. But I'm sorry, Neoma. I really am."

"You are really different from the cold-hearted emperor I remember," Neoma said, slowly descending until she was standing in front of him. "I almost feel guilty for hearing your apology, Father."