[MY BODY feels lighter now.]

Neoma was a bit impressed when Lord Levi purified her body.

[As expected of the God Among Gods.]

"I've purified the Darkness in your body," Lord Levi said in a tired voice. "I didn't expect that the Darkness you absorbed was that powerful. It's a miracle that you're still alive after consuming such poison in your body."

She didn't want to admit this, but what the god said scared her a little.

After all, it was like a confirmation that the Darkness that she consumed was really poisonous.

She almost killed her baby.

[I should be more careful next time.]

"Consuming Darkness isn't safe for my baby," Neoma whispered to herself, touching her belly protectively. "I guess it's the right choice to extract my baby from my womb and let Lady Larissa take care of him."

"Him?" Lord Levi asked as if he was surprised. "Your child is a boy?"

"The gender of the baby isn't something that I chose."