HANNA, after growing up with Neoma and Nero, realized that sometimes geniuses make the worst teachers.

She remembered a conversation that she had with the Imperial Princess recently…

<"Neoma, how do you "swallow" Darkness?">

<"I just eat it?">

<"Well, I know that. But how EXACTLY do you do that?">

<"Just like how I eat normal food? I open my mouth and gulp it down?">

<"Neoma, unfortunately, not all people are born a genius like you. We ordinary mortals don't just open our mouths when we want to eat things other than normal food.">


<"Don't just laugh there, dear sister-in-law.">

<"When I crave Darkness, I simply imagine putting them on a huge plate, then I'll make that plate shrink until it's bite-sized. Then it's perfect to eat~">

<"I still don't get it, but I can see your thought process.">