[PRINCE Nero is so cruel…]

Dahlia would admit that the ice daggers falling from the sky like meteors was a sight to behold.

In fact, it began snowing as well as if the Crown Prince had also changed the weather.

It didn't take long before the entire place got quickly covered in snow.

[The vast green field has turned white…]

But the white snow was also quickly turning red because of the blood of the Soul Beasts getting pierced by the ice daggers. No matter how fast the Soul Beasts were, and no matter where they ran, the ice daggers would find and impale them mercilessly.

Dahlia couldn't hear the anguished cries of the dying Soul Beasts because of the barrier, but she could feel their pain.

The worst part?

Even Zeru, the ice phoenix, had fallen to the ground as if it was in pain. The ice phoenix wasn't getting impaled by the ice daggers, but it seemed like it was getting hurt from something else.