DAHLIA wanted to come near Prince Nero and check on his condition.

Unfortunately, the wall of ice around him prevented her from doing so.

[His Imperial Highness' Soul Beasts are also going out of control.]

But that wasn't her biggest concern at the moment.

Dahlia could see the hundreds of souls that Prince Nero had taken in.

[They're all angry!]

It wasn't like she didn't understand.

Prince Nero should have been more careful.

[Even though he's a Roseheart, he's still a de Moonasterio!]

Dahlia's thoughts were interrupted when the fake Nero Roseheart, who turned out to be a "de Minister bastard," laughed in delight.

[Right, he's still here.]

The ice that froze the fake melted when Prince Nero suddenly lost it.

In fact, the snow on the ground that piled up after the Crown Prince created a snowstorm had already melted, too.

[How can I help Prince Nero…?]