NERO didn't mind when he felt his father's Moonglow entering his soul.

But he got annoyed when he felt Neoma's Moonglow, too.

[Tsk. This Moonglow has no loyalty. How dare you leave my twin sister unprotected, huh? I swear most things the de Moonasterios possess are useless things.]

"Congratulations, Emperor Nero," Commander Ruto said indifferently, slightly bowing his heads towards Nero. "Congratulations on becoming the new Moon of the Great Moonasterion Empire."

Nero smirked. "Now I have the power to kick you back to your own homeland, Commander Ruto."

"Well, if Your Imperial Majesty don't mind not seeing Neoma again, then I don't mind."

"What the heck are you saying?"

"I'm not leaving without Neoma– never again."

Nero caught his father breaking the armrests of the throne several times since he was a child.

But only now did he understand why such things happened.