NERO expected to lose his mind the moment he absorbed the hostile Spirits of the male Rosehearts trapped in the Cage.

He felt his sanity snapping for a moment.

But only for a moment.

"It's alright, Your Imperial Majesty– because I'm here."

It was Dahlia.

The Black Witch had finally regained consciousness and was now standing beside him.

It was a funny situation.

The throne room was collapsing and if not for Commander Ruto, then they would have been buried by the falling debris already.

Hanna was doing her best to avoid Nero's gaze while helping the commander.

Gin, the demon cat, was trying to create a portal.

Overall, it was a chaotic situation.

And that kind of stressful environment would have triggered Nero's Lunacy in a normal circumstances.

However, his mind remained clear.

And it was because of the person standing next to her.