NEOMA cleared her throat in an attempt to lessen the awkwardness in the air.

That awkwardness by caused by Nero barging in her bedroom with Dahlia in his arms– right in front of Hanna's beautiful face.

It had only been a few days since Nero and Hanna broke up.

[Gosh. Have some decency, Nero. This is why I can't blame House Quinzel for withdrawing their support from the Imperial Family during your reign.]

Neoma grabbed Hanna when Hanna tried to stand and bow. "Let's skip the pleasantries."

"Right," Nero agreed. "Be at ease, Hanna– I mean, Duchess Quinzel."

Hanna nodded politely. "Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty."

Wow, that was pretty heartbreaking to watch.

[They're addressing each other by their titles now. Gosh. From cousins to lovers turned lovers to cousins again. What a fucked up trope.]

"Is Dahlia alright?" Neoma asked worriedly. "Why are you carrying her?"