"WHAT'S THE next omen that the sketchy church spread this time, Sir Melvin?" Neoma asked, then she paused for a moment. "Oh. Should I address you as 'Count Lucchesi from now on?"

Melvin immediately shook his head. "You can just address me as before, Your Imperial Highness."

Right now, only Neoma, Lewis, and Melvin were left in the meeting room in her palace.

She sent her other "children" to the capital to check what kind of rumors were circulating among the common people.

Nero, Mama Boss, and Papa Boss had royal duties to attend to.

Neoma was the only member of the Imperial Family who had "free" time.

"It seems awkward to do that since you're going to be the Imperial Chamberlain soon."

"Please don't curse me, Princess Neoma."