A husband and yandere wife's time on the festival.

It was time for the festival.

Kyoya was looking forward to it the most as he was ready to spend it time with his friends and push Xaya to become closer with others.

The beginnings of the festival were already going in the opposite way, though.

"Come with us, Xaya. You should surprise your husband!"

The two closest ladies barged into the room to take Xaya out, but she refused without saying anything. Her head turned to the side to show off her refusal, then with side-look, Xaya's eyes lingered on the husband!

This made Maria's blusher brush to go down in disappointment. Her shoulders then followed the suit as she looked on the carpet with slightly narrowed eyes. Then a faint laughter slipped outside.

"I thought we were close enough…"

She then disappeared from the sight in a quick movement not matching the disciple of the earth god. Of course, Maria didn't come alone.