A husband finally gets a room for himself on the peak!

After the queen thanked everyone, Kyoya and his party went around the fire continent in search of hidden entrances. Everything else was put aside including the husband's kitchen project for his wife.

Xaya herself was enjoying the cold ghost's abilities and the more she used the more it began to materialize. Right now, her ghost's hands were similar to the wolf's paws which were similar to her race.

The husband was also enjoying the ghost's evolution and looked forward to its final form. He then nodded as it found another hidden entrance. It was already the fifth entrance, so the husband and his party were already in another kingdom's territory.

Just like before the other four, Kyoya scoured the area with his eyes to find any hidden invaders that possibly might be on the guard. He wasn't the only one to do so, but the husband's eyes were the best for this.