It will be a sleepless night!

He had never been alone in his life until this day. It would be either his father, Xaya or sister that spent time with him. But today, Kuro finally spent a lot of time in the darkness alone and found out that loneliness was just too unsettling.

He hugged his father tightly and didn't let his clothes go!

"We are in the safe spot, Kuro. Look." Kyoya ruffled his son's hair, then the small wolf peeked through his shoulder at the sky. It was no longer chaotic, but dark clouds teemed above them nonetheless.

However, Kyoya trod closer to the floating island's cliff and looked below. His son followed his gaze.

"Wow..." Kuro absentmindedly glanced around. The chaos was relentless and continued to spit out its eerie content, but Kuro was amazed by how high he was. He stood atop everyone, on the safe island that was secured by his father.