
Like any day

I washed my face and made some blood using the replicator and left the lab. Then I walked a few steps forward in the forest and I came across a big house that I'm sure it wasn't here before, and I nearly forgot the tricky part about magic.

"Ahh..the wizard huh"

Now i know whose house this is, so i go back to the lab and pick up my suit and leave the forest heading towards the center of the town currently it's night.

Then I landed near the place where the library is located then deactivated my suit and walked around then I came across some bad eggs so I set up a plan in my mind to obtain what I wanted since I got here.

And picked a target near the bad eggs that are none other than darkone and his villain team. The target is nothing but a simple young man so i sped at my vampire speed that i haven't used and reached the victims neck and bit till the body collapsed in front of the dark one and his team i looked at them and i said "Hi! It's finally a pleasure to meet the dark one"

"And who the hell are you?" - Rumpel stiltskin aka the dark one

"Who i am isn't important, so pretend you didn't see me and hey..good luck" i said and grind then transformed into a wolf and ran towards the forest.

I made an appearance and luckily he didn't use his magic to restrain me, what i just did will make him think there is another villain player in town so if i'm lucky everything i just planned out will give me benefit most and allow me to leave this universe in one piece and more powerful than ever, even though i'll disrupt the timeline of this universe i really don't care, i am made to destroy so i'll follow and that and try to have fun moments and quiet ones too.

I reached my house in the woods and turned back then i got a warning, "Sir, i detected that your wolf dna is not stable, host is recommended to stabilize it or remove it entirely"

"I stabilize it?" i was surprised but of course i know the requirements for that so it just came out "yes, but host requires a purebred werewolf with the same dna sequence"

Well fuck, i have no choice then but then again what harm will it do? But still I can't bring myself to go to the next universe before I get that power, it makes me drool.

My blood is special and I'm betting that I can use dark one magic in non-magic lands.

And I also decided to remove that werewolf and it's useless anyway.

"Remove it when i give you the signal" i said to Sel

Then I entered my lab and washed my body. Then I wore a full body black suit that's made from nanites and has holographic abilities, I entered my bedroom above ground and slept in.

This full body suit is supposed to monitor all vitals and also inject a fluid that will make my body sleep for a few days, this suit is a replacement for a cryo chamber.

"Start operation"

__7 days later

"Sir, the operation is successful the werewolf dna has been erased from the hosts genes"

I opened my eyes immediately, even if i'm asleep i can still hear Sel since she resides in my brain.

"How many days has it been?" I asked

"7 days and 12 hours, 24 Minutes"

Ha, I hope it's not too late, so I stood up and gone underground to my lab and replicated a cup of blood, and took a seat then i turned on the holographic screen to see the towns camera since i set up few nano bugs nearly everywhere.

What- a dragon going mad huh, i made a crazy grin and took a long sip from my exquisite cup then i made a command "Sel command all nano bugs to get me simples of the dragons dna, and this time a want a complete one"

Then all camera's changed, every nano bug going to the same place, a wide grass field with a crazy dragon swinging its tail and brushing the field with fire.

The day has gone away in the blink of an eye, and the complete gene of the dragon that is the maleficent daughter arrived a few minutes ago.

And i'm currently working on figuring out what makes her turn into a dragon, but so far found literally nothing except normal human genes everywhere, but i won't give up any opportunity i come across.

I don't how much time has gone away but i think i found it, then i gave it to Sel "See if it's what i'm looking for"

I then looked at the holographic screen to see what's going on around town and it's completely empty, now I know it's time for me to pack up.

I assembled my suit and left it standing in the lab then took out the magic container from it and looked at it.

It has a little bit liquid that's colorful and sparkles "Sel, what's the result of the magic research"

"It's completed sir, and i discovered all it's components except one"

"Hoo, what are the components you discovered?" i asked

"All the components i discovered are the same ones found at stars"

Huh, so a star is where magic comes from but what makes it magic is that last component, hehe interesting i guess i'll know when i become the dark one since dark magic has answers since normal magic does not.

I returned the container to its place, and entered my suit and deactivated it then I went above ground.

"Sir, the dragon gene has been extracted and ready to inject"

"Start injection"

At that moment i felt absolute pain but at the same time the pain was gone. "Injection complete, Host Genes are stable"

That's good news but I won't test it yet, later now it's time to pack up, I turned the wooden house and the underground lab back to nanites and they're back inside my body. I look at my vitals and they're Great.

I look at the sky and see that it's night so i command "send the killer virus"

The killer virus should kill everyone in town immediately once the dark one energy is out of gold's heart so I will be the only candidate left in town and also so that the dagger won't be touched by anyone.

I walked forward and left the forest. Now I'm in the middle of the town's road. People are collapsing everywhere but i remain expressionless, then i heard it.

Howa howa howa

Then it lifted me up to the air and then dragged, the feeling of being injected to lot's of dark energy is a little bit suffocating but at the same feels great, then a few moments later.

Everything went black.