A new quest (part-4)

"Brother anytime you feel uncomfortable you should voice it out without hesitation."

As Michalina spoke those words an umpteenth time, Ryan's brow twitched as he spoke with a grunt, "I will big sis, I will."

"Ah, stop."

A sudden urgent shout from Xuelong stopped them on their steps as she spoke, "The Undead are drawn by the smell of blood, as such in your current state it will be like sending out an invitation to all you can eat buffet."

Ylerias palmed her face hard as she spoke, "I had a feeling that I forgot something, thank you, Xuelong for reminding Me.", she then proceeded to take out a couple of herbs from her inventory which she rolled into one before lighting them aflame, making the herbs let out a good amount greyish smoke.

"Ryan please close your eyes, it can be a bit pungent."

Ryan did not need to be told twice as he had shut his eyes as soon as the herbs were lit as they badly stung his eyes.