The Reward (Part - 2)

Ryan pressed the trigger of his laser pistol as he watched one of the undead collapsed, the guns were roaring away tearing the enemies to shreds but it was not enough as such he brought out the ever reliant Molotov lighting it on fire with the help of a lighter he then tossed it into the midst of the horde as it exploded in a brilliant shower of flames.

Xuelong whistled as she watched at the destruction wrought by the glass bottle filled with strange liquid before she spoke with a giddy look on her face, "Can I have some."

Ryan shrugged as he spoke, "Please help yourself though remember to lit it on fire, and throw it immediately do not hold it too long or else we would all be roasted alive."

Xuleong nodded as she picked up the bottle and had the first experience of using a Molotov with a large smile on her face as Ylerias scowled as she spoke, "Xuelong focus there is no need to get giddy on things that a normal fireball can accomplish."