Whispering Grotto (Part-1)

Xuelong had a huge smile on her face as she gave Amellantha a back-breaking hug as she spoke, "Granny Ame it is so nice to see you."

Amellantha returned the hug as she spoke, "It is good to see Your Holiness."

As Xuelong let go of Amelantha, Amelantha once again found herself being hugged to death by another apostle who was none other than Ylerias.

Michalina looked at the scene with her barely concealed curiosity, and to satiate it Michalina approached Dasyra who was nearby as she spoke, "Hey Dasyra may I ask you something?"

Dasyra gave her a nod of approval as Michalina continued, "Who is this 'Granny Ame' person?"