The Whispering Grotto (part-4)

The car ride back to Amellantha's camp was uneventful as Ryan sat with his eyes close, although his fellow apostles did not follow Ryan as their scout had discovered something interesting and as such, they had decided to investigate it with a small group which included his mother.

As they reached the camp Ryan spotted the camp looked to be a bit deserted as most of the people missing and his eyes soon found the culprit which was none other than his Alpha Raven 2.0, his rather infamous road train.

'It is good that I had not disassembled it completely, but now it looks like I will have to remake it for future use.'

Most of the occupants of the car had left except for Ryan and Amellantha, they sat in comfortable silence before Amellantha decided to break it.

"Your Holiness, have you decided on your 'inquisitorial members'?"