Ship breaker (Part-2)

Ylerias peered down towards the main hangar as she whispered with a frown, "I can easily spot a good number of ghouls in there but not the Ghast."

Xuelong gave a huff of displeasure as she spoke, "Me too, so how should we deal with them? I would have voted for bombardment, but..."

Michalina sighed as she spoke, "There is a chance that we might end up blowing ourselves sky high."

Before either of them could speak, Ryan's voice chimed in from the radio, "I vote for fighting against them from a safe distance."

Michalina sighed as she spoke, "I agree with my brother, though can anyone of you set something up that can provide warning if something sneaks up on us from behind."

Siora quickly erected a barrier with proximity alert while Ylerias spoke out loud, "Micha, unlike us, you are not so good with seeing the dark, do you need us to illuminate the Main deck."