The Marooned(Part-4)

Ryan huffed as he killed a lamprey lookalike that had tried to attack him from behind.

"Brother, you have been killing many creatures left and right, and the water is getting bloody because of it, so who knows what creature might get attracted to here."

"You are right, sis, and I am almost at my limit, though luckily, I have almost finished my work here."

Ryan dived back into the water, where he began to place the last piece of his machinery that would stop the beast.

Xuelong appeared by Michalina's side as she spoke, "Did he finish his work?"

Michalina nodded as she spoke, "Almost he is now working on the last one."

A large grin broke on Xuelong's face as she spoke, "Then I am not too late."

Michalina frowned at her words as she spoke, "Your Holiness, you are not late for what?"

Xuelong let out a sigh of content as she spoke, "For this."