The strange island (Part-1)

Xue frowned upon seeing his fellow Apostles scurrying about getting ready to depart.

Spotting Ryan nearby, Xue quickly approached Ryan as he spoke, "Lad, why are you in a hurry to leave?"

Ryan flashed him a smile full of apology as he spoke, "Sorry, Uncle Xue, a new mission came up."

Xue frowned as he spoke, "Really, may I help you."

Ryan's apologetic look came back in full force as he spoke, "I am sorry, but I cannot share the mission details with you as it is classified."

Xue patted Ryan on his back as he spoke with a smile, "Lad, I understand, but promise me that you will keep yourself safe out there, and I do not wish to mourn anytime soon.

Ryan beamed at him as he spoke, "I promise you, Uncle."

Suddenly Ryan's eyes widened as he continued, "Oh before I forget, let me bring you the map to New Hope, and I hope you will visit there someday."