An enlightening chat (part-2)

"The unnecessary deaths and destruction that is bound to follow."

"Those invaders saw to that aplenty, but if they had not bothered, we would have enough people to choose from in order to appease them."

"What about you? What have you sacrificed?"

Oakley sneered as he spoke, "Such peasant like thinking always asking what I have sacrificed."

"Foolish child, we rule the world, and what part of it did you fail to understand? We gave you jobs, shelter, and advanced and enriched your life, and so, what more do you want, greedy cretin?"

  "If you are so benevolent, why are people impoverished and hungry?

Oakley uncharacteristically shrugged as he replied, "Some are born lucky, and some are lucky to be born."

"Moreover, if you have time to complain, then you have time to work and improve your life, and no one is stopping that."

As Oakley spoke, a thought nagged in Ryan's brain, rearing its ugly head now and then.