
Ryan wiped the sweat off of his brow as he let out a sigh.

'So bothersome and tiresome, I want my bed, my PC, my games, my  manga... so hungry.'

"Ryan, I brought food for us."

Ryan perked up at the magical word, 'food', as he spoke with a dazzling smile, "Finally."

Michalina giggled as she spoke, "Seems like you are starving."

"Yup, I am starving, and oh, what I would not give for my pc, games and manga, and the world has gone to hell with the end of..."

"Yeah, yeah, and I understand you big ball of negativity, and now eat."

"I am not negative."

"Whenever you are hungry, you become a moody, broody, self-doubting emo ball of negativity."

Ryan grumbled as he began to tear through his meal, only to stop as a distant rumbling came to his ears.

"What is that sound?"

"Ylerias found out about Xuelong and yours relation."

