Assassination (Part-3)

Ciara bit her lips as she heard the report, and with each word, a deep frown settled on her face.

"Mom, is something wrong?"

"Very, as the accomplish of the rat is a resident preacher, who had arrived just after you had left."

Ryan groaned as he spoke, "Ugh, it is the only thing that was missing."

Xuelong sighed as she spoke, "Just terrific."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "If we arrest him brazenly, it will spark a civil war."

Zhan arrived shortly with Ileana in tow, who had her hand in a sling.

Ileana saluted with her left hand as Ciara spoke, "At ease, recruit."

"Recruit, if I ask you to identify the General's people, will you be able to?"

"Yes, Major, with ease."

"Good, then I have a mission for you."

"A mission of vital importance that you cannot fail."

Ileana gulped as she gave a shaky nod while Ciara continued, "I want you to try and identify as many General's people as possible."