Drums of War (Part-1)

Ryan opened his eyes blearily, and Michalina's smiling visage greeted him.

"It is morning, and I think you will like to hear about the mission."

Ryan sat up, rubbing his eyes while yawning as he spoke, "I will be there as soon as I freshen up."

A few minutes later, Ryan entered the mission room, where the participants were present.

The joyous atmosphere lifted the weight off of Ryan's shoulder as he spoke with a smile, "So it was successful."

Mariah smirked at Ryan as she replied to him, "Very, those were some fine bombs you had made."

Looking towards Zhan, Mariah continued, "Ma'am, when you said Ryan would make a great weapons dealer, you were right."

Zhan looked smug while Ryan let out a groan.

Ciara suppressed a giggle as she spoke, "So, how did it go?"

It was long past midnight when Mariah leading the squad of aeroplanes, was circling above the horde.

"Magic is so useful, Mariah."