Red Dawn(Part-2)

The giant ball of fire climbed through the sky, tearing the night apart and smothering the stars in its bright light.

'A good day for some genocide.'


'Ryan, did you miss me?'

Ryan chuckled as he spoke, "Yes, even though I saw you a few hours ago."

With a giggle, Michalina replied through the radio, 'Get ready, brother; it is about to begin.'

Ciara stood near the rocket artilleries admiring her son's creation.

'If things had gone accordingly, he would have been far from anything military, man proposes and God disposes.'

Ciara took a deep breath and looked towards the sky before barking her orders, "Fire!!!!!"

Many citizens of New Hope had developed the habit of waking up at the crack of dawn. Still, today, they were jolted awake by a sizeable screeching noise startling them.

Marcel looked at his wife as he spoke, "What was that?"