Wrong turn (Part-1)

Michalina paced across the room with a furious look on her face.

"Micha, stop trying to dig a trench in my room with your pacing."

Michalina narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "You are one to talk, Mom. You are as anxious as I am."

Ciara huffed as she said, "I am not."

Michalina rolled her eyes as she spoke, "The tapping of your feet says otherwise."

Ciara blushed before she spoke, "You are right in one aspect. They should have been here hours ago."

"Most of the convey is already here, and what is so important about that stupid repeater, and why is he so late?"

Xuelong bit her lips as she spoke, "Micha, if he does not return within the next fifteen minutes, we are leaving to search for him."

Michalina nodded as she agreed, "Yes, we will, and I hope Ylerias is well as well."

A similar situation evolved in another part of the city, where a worried Ileana was biting her nails.