Asking for time

Weimo's answer provided a sense of relief to Xiaomin. Getting comfortable on his body, she buried her face on his chest and started speaking.

"Weimo, I admit that I was in wrong today and I should not do it.

In the future I will always listen to you.

Weimo, do you remember on our wedding night you told me that you will wait for me to accept you. I know I am the reason for forcing you into what was about to happen today....but can you please forgive me this once.

I am sorry weimo."

When Weimo did not answer after a long time Xiaomin raised her head from his chest and looked towards him. He was still staring at her with an expressionless face. No one could guess his innermost thoughts, but Xiaomin was never counted in those people. Looking at his eyes she was sure that he was not angry but he was not happy too for sure.

Looking at the girl staring intently at him at last he decided to trust her again. After soo many betrayals he still decided to trust her, listen to her because he loved her. Till date he had made sure that all her wishes were fulfilled. Including the ones which never left her mouth as well..Then how can he not fulfill it today when she herself asked him. But before that he had to figure out something.....

Taking a deep breath Weimo asked Xiaomin:

"So you mean to say that you don't want to consummate our marriage?"

Relief washed over Xiaomin's panicked heart, atleast he asked something instead of keeping quiet. It was a positive sign, that means he was thinking about what she suggested.

Giving him the most brilliant smile ever she quickly answered:

"No,No....its not that.

I am just saying, lets spend some time with each other..."

Though the brilliant smile dazzled his eyes but he still maintained his rationality, after all today's discussion would be valid throughout his life. What if unknowingly he agrees to Xiaomin about not consummating their marriage. Won't he have to stay abstinent till death then....

No No this was something he will make sure not happen ever. Only he knows how he had kept his calm whenever this girl was around, if he had to completely abstain from her then..... No No ...just thinking about it gives him goosebumps....

Before he could be blinded by the smile he blinked his eyes and asked

"Haven't we spent enough time with each other?

Are five years not enough?"

This answer dimmed her smile a little....

Weimo was right, they had spent almost five years knowing each other, how much more time can he give...

But can Xiaomin give up?

No the answer was absolutely No.....

Trying to find a proper reason she spoke:

"No, Not that. Its just that..."

Before she could complete her sentence Weimo interrupted her and asked her:

"Li Xiao Min, are you trying to find a way out of the situation?"

Calling her full name, no

impossible.....this was not a good sign....

Getting flustered she just decided to plead for a limited time, atleast she will be able to escape tonight's situation, quickly patting her hand on weimo's chest she spoke

"Okay, Okay...

Weimo, lets do one thing...

Give me some time like six months...

Yes give me six months...

I will be able to accept our relationship by then...."

Quickly patting her back in her mind to come up with such an awesome idea she smiled again and stared at weimo for his approval.