
Calming down, Xaiomin wiped her tears and stood in front of weimowhile asking him where he went, she had been searching him since a long time. Though she was not typically a cry baby, since child she has always been a rational person and has never believed in crying, for something as it cannot help just show the other person that you are weak. And Xiaomin hated to be seen as a weak person. She has always stood at the pinnacle of life and was always the best.

Wiping the excessive snot and tears from Xiaomin's face he explained her that he was just taking an important call in the study and was worried that his voice might woke her up from sleep.

Just as he was about to ask her to go ahead and shower he saw something shiny like a metal in her hand, observing it properly he noticed that it was the fruit knife that is always kept at the dining table. Though it wasn't harmful, but the wa Xiaomin was holding it and her getting scared because of not seeing him was really getting complicated. Yesterday she went frenzy near the window, and today she had knife in her hand....

"Minmin, why do you have knife? Let me take it back to the dining table....okay?" Asked Weimo in a very soft tone while attempting to take back the knife from her hand, or else she hurt herself....

Still in a mess, Xiaomin didn't think much and blurted out that she grabbed the knife because she was scared.

Without reacting much she left to get a shower, while Weimo kept thinking about the changes and soon left to prepare breakfast without capsicum as she mentioned last night....

At the dining table:

Looking at the colourful fruit smoothire Xiaomin smiled brightly....Only weimo can make her favourate smoothie. It hads been this smoothie that this guy has always used to pacify her whenever she was angry. No one except him can make it, when asked he will just say he adds love to the smoothie..... She used to laugh about it then but now she can actually feel a different warmth from it in her heart even though it was ice cold...This is how love is... It might seem cold but it will actually make you feel the exceptional warmth.

Finishing the breakfast weimo was just transferring the used dishes into the dishwasher when he heard

"Weimo, take me for shopping. Any way you don't have to work today, let me drill a hole in your pocket then. I will go get ready."

It seemed a simple sentence that a wife can asy to her husband, but it had thoroughly shaken weimo inside out. Not because she asked him to spend money. It has always been like that since they had known each other, everytime he is free he will be dragged by her for shopping.

But the thing was he never told Xiaomin that he dosen't have work. Apart from himself not even his secretary knew that he would take an off today.

When no one knew, he himself had decided about it later in the night then how can she be so sure about it?