Snatched my soul?

Before Xiaomin could repeat what weimo asked the puppy spoke up,

"You don't need to repeat, I can understand Human language.

My master died the moment you were close to death. I had to find a new master, because we will lose powers if we are without masters for more than 24 hours. The main problem is the old master's death timings and the new master's near death experience should be in the same time Zone."

Xiaomin repeated and asked, "So you mean to say, you choose me as your master because my near death experience and your master's death happened at the same time. But.....How did you find out who will be having that experience? Also, I remember, I was dead...I did not have a near death experience. "

"We have powers, one such power allows us to find people closer to us who are about to die. About the death, you didn't die, I snatched your soul from your body making your pulse weak, and those people thought you were dead. We are not allowed to choose dead people as our masters."

"Snatched my soul? You cant choose dead people...why?" Shocked Xiaomin asked.

"Choosing a new master might seem easy but, we have some rules. Dead people if chosen as masters, will have grudge about their death making them vengeful, while the one who didn't die will have the regrets instead of grudges. Regrets can be solved not grudges. Also, reviving a dead body would disrupt the balance of life and death on this planet, if we do so without a reason we might be frozen for life. Apart from that the new master is supposed to be a good person. The original reason behind sending people like me to earth was so that our masters with our help prevent destruction, destruction of human life. Along with you there was another candidate who had the same time zone of my old master. Before finalizing a master there are a basic series of test that you are put through. You as well had been through it. The basis of the test are if you can differentiate between right and wrong. If you will use your power to kill a human life.

Surprisingly, you passed the test and came back to life while the other candidate had strong sense of revenge. "

"You mean to say I went through a series of test and I don't remember. Also, you said the main purpose of your was to save human life, help innocent people, then shouldn't you choose someone like doctor..... who saves life everyday, or a lawyer....who prevents innocent people and catches criminals, or someone from police....who protects innocent people...."asked Xiaomin being confused about everything.

"Long story short, that was what we thought, but as those people start doing things out of the ordinary, they get caught by people, making them reveal their secrets and then they are turned into lab rats. So one criteria for choosing master is that he should be ordinary person, someone who is not under scrutiny day and night. "

While xiaomin was thinking about everything she heard, weimo asked, "So you mean to say now she will have to go and start saving people everyday?"

"No, she will only be required to help people that she wants to help. Also about the system inside her, it should be activated after 72 hours since her soul is sent back. According to me it is tomorrow, once it is done you will understand the working of it even more."