
Entering the system Xiaomin was again welcomed by the assistant.

Quickly appearing in front of his master assistant bowed down and greeted her, "Welcome master. Is master is here to look at the mission"

Nodding to the assistant's suggestion Xiaomin became very excited and started walking towards the system with high enthusiasm

Looking at his master all loaded with enthusiasm the assistant also quickly went ahead and touched the screen on the box which was labelled as Missions.

The box displayed

"First set of missions"

Clicking on it again, then the box changed and showed five missions which were written one below another and each one had a check box kind of thing in front of it followed by a timer.

While Xiaomin was looking at it in a confused way and was trying hard to work her brain out,

the assistant started explaining,"Let me explain to the master so it becomes easier."

Looking at the assistant with pitiful eyes she nodded her head up and down following which assistant started speaking, "The screen displays five mission. Each mission has a specific time within which it should be completed.

Currently the five missions are

1- Making ten types of tea

2- Running 50 kilometres

3- Cutting 10 onions within ten minutes

4-Drawing one design of casual clothes

5- Drinking one glass of milk everyday for seven day's

As master can see each mission has a timer, the fifth mission has the timer of seven day's and is supposed to be completed within that, first, second and fourth mission has a timer of ten days while the third mission only has a timer of three days.

Master will have to complete the missions before their timer ends. On completion of each mission master will get some point's. The points will depend on the complexity and difficulty level of the mission. After master collects a limited number of point's master can unlock many other features of the system.

Does master has any more questions?" asked assistant after explaining it in the most simplest way possible and as easily as possible. But it didn't seem to him that his master was happy at all, instead he felt that his master was super sad....

Tear's were ready to fall from Xiaomin's eyes as soon as she saw the list of the missions which she was supposed to complete. For a normal person this list would seem very easy but for Xiaomin all of them were like nothing she would have ever thought of doing.

She had never held a knife and she was supposed to cut onions, she hates exercise and she had to run 50 kilometres, since small she hated drinking milk and here she had to drink it everyday.....

Other two..... may be she can do it, she had prepared tea one or two times and designing, she had liked it so she can surely try it.

Thinking for some time Xiaomin asked," Is it necessary to complete this missions in the real world or in the system?"

"Master can complete the mission in any place be it the system or the real world but unfortunately master will have to gain enough points to unlock the system's workplace. So this missions master will have to carry them only in real world." answered the assistant while trying to make his presence as little as possible.

He had every feature but how to console a crying master was the only defect he was made with.

Current position of his master was worse than crying , unable to understand what to do he was only able to reduce his presence thinking that his master hates him...