A journey

When I was 16 years old. I was not interested in studies. So I decided to stop and go far away from my home because I never feel happy. So one fine morning, I started my journey to some unknown destination was started. Actually I came out from my home as daily. I came out without any money and nothing. I just had a thought in my mind to go far away. I don't know why did I decided for just a silly reason not interested in studies. You may think I was a poor guy in studies but i was average not that munch bad.

First I went to railway station. As I entered the station there is a train going to tirupathi. I just decided to go tirupathi so I went and catch the train but here I doesn't have ticket also. I already said that I even doesn't took money with me. Then a doubt raised in my mind that what if I was catch by a Ticket collecter. So I decided to say the truth and rest is the gods bless. As expected the ticket collecter came but he doesn't asked me the ticket. I don't know why he haven't asked me. But I thought it's fine. The journey was so memorable, I met somany people from different places. Those all are very nice. I can say that A journey is a path of finding new things I your self.

I reached tirupathi. It was morning 8:30Am. I was very hungry. I want to eat something to feed myself. so I came out from the station there I saw a poster saying Free meals. I thought that so I can eat if I reach the venue address. After enquiring the address it was on very far to the station. Then I thought there is no other way so I have to go there. So I started walking to that venue. While I was going I saw a old man who was not able to walk, old beggar women. By seeing them my heart was melted. I went near that old man and asked what Happened to him. He said that my son's cheated me and took all the money from me. They expelled me from my home so I decided to die by committing suicide but for my bad luck the attempt was mis-handled and my two legs gone in an accident.

By listening to his story I realized that I go back to my home and to study well, to take care my parents. I feel that if any childrens of cheat their parents they should be punished by there own children. So then only those people will know the feel. I returned to station and enquired about the return train. I came to know that the return to my village is tommorow morning so I have to stay this night. I went to the venue and ate the meals I went to Temple. It was amazing. I slept in the waiting rooms that night. I informed my parents about where I was and I assured that I will return safely to home.