
Her father said "escape from that guy to save your self".I took her and we started running out to the station. He followed us and tried to catch us also kill us. But we find a auto I. front of the station and we said the driver to save us from that person. The driver started the vehicle without any time gap and we are going fast to save our selves. But that killer took a bike and started following us and even he started firing on us but by the gods Grace we where not affect by those.

Half an hour finished we are still moving but suddenly the fuel was finished and the auto stopped. The driver said "you guys run away from here, I will deviate him".We started running again. The place we was a dark and forest type area. No one was there and we went inside the trees but there was no one person to ask help. We are moving on continuously and finally we find a old mechanic shed.

we went inside the shed and search for any person but there was no one person present there.

untill now I even doesn't know her name and other details about her also her father.

I asked her name. She replied that her name is Leela from Nellore.

Then suddenly a person's foot sound we noticed and we thought that that was killer. We where trying to hide some where in the shed but to our bad luck there is no place to hide ourselves.

Slowy I went out side to check who was that person but there no one present and I found a cat was there. I thought that the sound came from that cat. Now we are safe.

Then I asked her "who was that killer?, why he was trying to kill you and your father?".

She was crying and I thought this was not a good situation to ask her such questions.

I tried to stop her crying but she was worried about her father.

I think she want to see her father but if we go out he will catch us and kill us also.

Suddenly she tried to go out and to see her father. But stopped her and said that if we go out he will us also. so be patience and your father will be safe, nothing will happen to your father. So please be patience this night tommorow we will go and find what happend to your father.

Finally she understood my words and went inside the shed.

We searched for a place to hide and finally we found a place where only one person can hide safely. If a person hide there no one can find him/her. I said her to go inside that place and to sleep there. But she was still crying. Slowly she went inside and sat there for some time crying and she slept.

I was standing outside the shed and trying some to help us.

It was nearly morning she woke up and came outside. Then she called me but I was not present there. I went to find a route go outside.

After coming back to the shed I saw she was crying. I went there and said her that we go out side now find your father.

Then she said the actual story why that killer was trying to kill.