Chapter Twenty

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

Laying on the bed after having mind-blowing sex with Zyston. My heart is pounding against my chest, trying to catch my breath.

"Next time you want to have sex with the sunrise, you can make it a little more romantic." Saying breathless and teasingly, Zyston chuckles.

"I will do my best to make it more romantic." He says teasingly with a hint of promise. Sitting up with my legs hanging over the bed and looking back at him. His eyes looking at my naked body possessively and hungry for more.

"I'm holding you to that." He responds with "hmm," standing up with my legs feeling like jelly. Taking a couple of steps and falling to the floor. Knowing it all from the sex he and I have had. He did promise me that he was going to fuck me till I couldn't walk.

"Are you okay, Little Light?" Zyston asks, a little amused. Giving me a look of understanding why my legs gave out.

"No!... You fucked me so hard and much that I can't walk... And I really need to pee." Saying the last part quietly. Zyston laughs, getting off the bed, coming to my side. Picking me up in bridal style, looking into my eyes.

"I'm a man of my word Adriana." He says with a deep and sexy voice.

Carrying me into the bathroom and sitting me down onto the bathroom counter. Offering to help to turn my face red with embarrassment, he just laughed. Shoeing him out of the bathroom, he just kept laughing at me. Rolling my eyes teasingly at him, giggling a little with him.

Closing the door behind him, wobbly making my way to the toilet. When I started to pee, it burned like hell from the soreness of our lovemaking. Finishing up with my business and washing my hands.

Looking into the mirror on my right shoulder where Zyston left his mark. A beautiful dream catcher with Zyston initials in the feathers showed. In the middle of the dream catcher was some outlines. Couldn't quite make out what it was yet.

Admiring my mark a knock on the door, answering with a "come in." Zyston walks in, smiling at me, keeping eye contact. Watching him from the mirror as he wraps his arms around my waist. His face in the crook of my neck, placing a kiss on my mark. Sending amazing electric waves to my womanhood. His eyes darken a little with lust giving me a knowing look. Pulling away and shaking my head no, pushing him back.

"We are not having sex again... I'm really sore from the last time." Telling him this makes his smile bigger.

"That sounds like a great idea, but since your sore from how harsh I was with you. How about I make it up to you?"

"What do you have in mind?" Asking with interest with butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

"How about we bathe together to soothe your soreness?" He wraps his arms around me again, hugging me tight to him. The things that this man makes me feel and does to me, nodding my head yes, he places a kiss on my cheek. Going to the bathtub filling it up with water, and bubble bath.

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

Laying in the bathtub with Adriana laying on her side between my legs. With her head resting on my chest and her fingers. Tracing the scar on the right of my chest. With my hand on her back, soothingly rubbing it.

"Hey, Zyston?..." Adriana asks curiously, answering with a "hmm," she continues. "How did you get the scar on your torso?"

"That story has quite a bit of blood and gore in it. I don't really think you want the details." She looks up at me, giving me that look she gives when's she wants information. Knowing I'm not going to win this conversation.

"They're a couple of things you need to know before I tell you." She gives me her full attention.

"The Alpha previously of this pack was my Mother's second chance mate. He wasn't a good Mate or Alpha; he was abusive to all. Sense Vincent, Katrina, and I were my Mother children from her previous Mate. Her second chance mate punished us the worst. Getting tired of his punishment towards my family, pack, and myself, I challenge him."

"Why didn't Vincent challenge him?"

"I begged him to, but his exact words he said to me was. That he had no interest in being Alpha, that he didn't have a warrior spirit but medic spirit. He also suggested that I take the title because I have a warrior spirit."

"How old were you when you became Alpha?"

"I challenge him two months after I just turned sixteen." Remember that day very well.

~~~~Flash Back{Early 1700's}~~~~

Been stuck doing most of the pack chores again today. The longest one was cutting up the wood and stacking it all by myself. Now all I have to do is carry some wood to the packhouse. Piling some wood in my arms, carrying it to the packhouse fast as I can. It is winter and sunset right now. The air gets freezing; cold enough, I can see my breath.

On my fourth load of carrying wood back coming around the packhouse corner. Mother, Katrina, and Alpha Theo were outside; he was shouting at them. Listening to what he's calling them makes my beasts and I angry. What really set me off is when Alpha Theo hit Katrina across the face. Making her fall hard to the ground, Mother defending Kat, she got struck across the face knocking her unconscious.

Throwing the wood down and tackling Alpha Theo down. Throwing punches at him hard, making his face bloody. Throwing snow into my face pushing me off him. Rubbing my eyes and opening them. Alpha Theo grabs me by the throat, slamming me down into the snowy ground.

"Who do you think you are, boy? Attacking your Alpha and Mother Mate?" Squeezing my throat tighter, cutting off my oxygen. Trying to pry his hands off my throat.

"Your no... Alpha.. of mine... your.. a pathetic... Mate to.." Wheezing out my words only making him even angrier; his hold tightens. "I.. Zyston...Woods...Chal... Challenge...Alpha...Theo." Getting out the words, Alpha Theo picks me up by the throat holding me above him.

"Challenge accepted," Throwing me to the ground hard, Wheezing for air Kat comes to my side.

"What are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed." Kat's ask, panicky. Alpha fills the evening air with howls calling in the pack to watch the challenge.

"I won't watch my family or my pack be abused anymore. If I die, then I die trying to take him out to give you all a better chance in life." Everyone stands around in a circle with Alpha and me in the middle.

"We have a challenge for the Alpha position!!" Theo looks at me while pointing his finger towards me. Everyone's eyes landed on me. "Stand, boy!, State your name, position, and purpose. Loud for everyone here can hear you."

Mustering up all my courage standing up on my feet. Take a few steps forward; gossip and whispering started to go around.

"I, Zyston Woods, an Omega of the Silver Moon Pack. Challenge Alpha Theo for the position of Alpha!" Everyone was silent. Alpha Theo steps forward with a sinister smile.

"I, Alpha Theo, the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. The first command of the Moon Goddess. Accept Omega Zyston Woods challenge. The only way to win this challenge is by death!" Gasping could be heard through the whole crowd.

Kat pulling on my arm, begging me not to do this. Vincent pulling Kat back, keeping her away from the fight. Alpha Theo shifted into his dirty blonde wolf. Shifting into my black wolf, my size was only half of Alpha Theo. Circling one another, waiting for each other to attack.

"I have waited to sink my teeth into you sense the first day I saw you," Alpha Theo says through the mind link.

"Quit talking and attack already!" Replying. We both attack each other rolling around and thrashing. I don't know how long we did, but my body was getting tired. Clawing his left leg leaving a huge torn mark. He gets off me and looks at his leg, then back at me. He growled and snarled.

Circling each other again, watching as he limps. He stops and stares at me, giving me an evil smile. Not understanding why another wolf jumps on top of me, knocking me down to the ground.

Getting a glance to see the other wolf, it was Beta Mitch. Alpha Theo and Beta Mitch attack me at the same time biting and clawing. The one that hurt the worst was when Alpha Theo claws dug deeply into my chest, tearing into my flesh.

Letting out a loud and painful howl, thinking I was going to die. All because Alpha Theo cheated his way to winning the title. Beta Mitch held me down as Alpha Theo gets ready to tear my throat out.