Preliminaries 2

Chapter 17

[Preliminaries 2]

It was finally my turn to battle. I haven't fought a person after fighting Kyle so this should suffice that hunger for fighting someone who won't go down as easily as Kyle did.


To my surprise my opponent was Kyle's cousin. So they both used flame based abilities. Come to think of it, will I get some kind of flame resistance if I was inflicted with a burn ailment for a period of time?

My opponent was Shiina Vermillion. And when I looked at her stats by using [Inspect] she was a lot stronger than even Kyle. And apparently she was laid back in this state.

"Still though, 300 health? I just wonder how powerful she'll get if she got serious."

I also didn't quite understand how this whole health thing works. From what I heard from the system, it decreases based on the person being laid back and increases whenever the person gets serious.

She said to me as she bowed. "Oh how polite."

She had golden blonde hair with orange tips that reached all the way to her waist. Her crimson eyes really gave me some chills in my spine. "Is this what people feel when they see me crismon red eyes? Geez."

I noticed it as well.

We said in unison. Unlike the other matches only me and Shiina were on the stage. But apparently it was personally requested by the principal. "Curses, is she really that interested in seeing me fight? Well whatever."

I bowed to Shiina then entered an offensive pose. As soon as the bell rang we dashed at each other. She was wielding dual short swords. And her speed was comparable to Hina's speed at most. When we were only one meter apart from each other she swung her blade at me. But I blocked it by punching the blade. However after I punched the blade I heard gasping coming from the audience. Shiina was also Frozen in place.

"What the? Why?... Oh…"

As I looked at my fist that was blocking the blade I could see why their reactions were like that. I blocked an overdrive gear bare handed. "The hell? When did my body get this strong?"

Shiina then hopped back a few meters seemingly terrified. I could understand that though.

She was visibly shaking. As far as I know overdrive gears that are blades can cut even steel with ease. So seeing someone block it bare handed is certainly horrifying.

"Crap I think I went overboard on this one…"

But just as I was thinking that a large fireball, about two meters big, launched in my direction. I was taken aback, but only for a bit. I easily dodged the fireball and launched my own. The only difference is my [Fireball] was about the size of a marble. Since I got a lot stronger since last time I think it's safe to say that the fireball would've killed her if I launched a [Fireball] that was a bit larger than the one I'm launching now.

The [Fireball] hit her dead on the chest. She flew about 3 meters back. Luckily she stabbed her blades on the ground stopping her from being taken out of the stage.

[Warning the enemy is getting stronger!]

"So she's getting serious huh?"

[Shiina Vermillion]

[Health: 400/500]

I did a hundred damage with just that fireball… I thought I was holding back. Apparently, the [Fireball] has a 10× damage multiplier. I should tone it down a bit more.

I dashed towards her, clenched my fist and punched her… or so I thought. What I had punched wasn't her. It was her after image. I looked behind me too see her charging up another fireball. Only this time, she focused her flames to her blades.

She yelled as she dashed towards me. My gauntlets appeared on my arms just a few moments before she could hit me. I blocked her blades only to be engulfed in flames.

[Inflicted with Burn for 5 minutes]

[Health: 140/150]

"What the?!?"

It seemed like the necklace didn't increase my health. That was problematic. The damage was high as well. I don't think I can survive this. Until I realized something. I could've just used either [Barrier] or [Shield].

I hopped back. My health was now 130. I was successfully blocking her attacks using [Shield] but her first attack inflicted me with burn for 5 minutes. I only had 3 minutes left. But each minute she was clearly getting faster. She really was strong.

I felt my eyes burning. But it was from the flames. The system told me it was the peak of my glowing eyes. Shiina who was looking at me was even more shocked. But she just shrugged it off and came at me once more. As if from instinct I dashed towards her as well. As she was about to slash me I summoned the Demon Lord's Blade out of thin air and clashed with her. The shock of us clashing shook the whole arena. But I just noticed that everyone was incredibly quiet. I didn't have time to worry about that though. We hopped backwards and kept on clashing with each other. She seemed… happy. At first she seemed scared, but now she was enjoying our battle. And honestly, I was enjoying it as well.

She yelled as her own flames surrounded her. They were hot. But as if on cue, a message appeared.

[Completed quest "Be inflicted with burn for 5 minutes"]

[Gained skill " Fire resistance (passive)"]

I grinned and dashed towards her. Only this time I put the Demon Lord's Blade back and attacked her with my gauntlets. I punched her dead on her stomach. The impact was so great that it sent her flying.

[Health: 10/500]

"Crap… I went overboard…"

[Sure did…]


I was now near the clinic, clearly frustrated with what I've done. I nearly killed the girl!

She had been unconscious for 2 hours now.

Yuna, Stella, and Hina were with me. I didn't really know why they were here, but I was so worried about Shiina that I didn't even question them.

[Stop worrying too much! You'll get a headache!]

The system was scolding me, but I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice.

The doctor then came out of the clinic telling us that all was good. Still though, I really don't have control over my power. I really need to train more.

Yuna and Hina stared at me. Stella looked at me as if to say "you haven't told them yet?".

I turned into my slime form which startled both Yuna and Hina. I then went to sit on Stella's lap.

Everyone except Stella looked dumbfounded at me. It was understandable. I was literally one of the easiest dimensional beasts to catch. And I can also talk.

Yuna asked.

I wasn't exactly lying about turning into a slime when I woke up.

They still stared at me until Hina seemed to be annoyed.

She said with her eyes twitching.

Stella simply smiled at her. For some reason I could feel tension in the air so I hopped off Stella and returned to my human form.

But as I was on Stella's lap I felt something ominous. Something that resembled what I felt whenever I fought the demons back then. But as I was thinking that Stella clutched her chest.

I asked Stella. She gave me a wry smile. "Something's not right here…" but before I could ask her more details my phone rang. It was from someone named Elize.

She ended the call.

"Wait, what does she mean by planet? Is it the red dimension I called Hell?"

I decided to tell the girls I had matters to attend to. Luckily we can already head home. I always wanted to try out something. If it worked like portals then that should mean that I could just travel to a part of it regardless of my location, and vice versa.

I went behind the school gym and opened up a portal leading to the front of the gates that I walked into from last time.

I went through the portal. I was correct. It led me to where I exactly wanted it to lead me to. I looked around only to see a girl with blue hair in front of the gates. She looked to be about the same age as me and was certainly beautiful. She had ice blue eyes and pale skin. She had a neutral look in her face.

I really can't process this at all. Being a Demon Lord? No way! I didn't even know they existed!

Elize,as if reading my mind, spoke up. She said as she tilted her head. After hearing what she said, my face was suddenly filled with dread.

"N-no way…"

I waved off Elize goodbye and headed off back to my world. She was trying to tell me something but I was too worried to even bother listening to her. I was back at the back of the gym. I saw smoke. I was even more worried. I didn't exactly know when I got my emotions back, but I didn't bother to care anymore. I ran full throttle to where the source of the smoke was.

I saw Hina, Shiina, and Yuna all engaged in combat with someone. With only one glance I already knew who it was. Even though she had horns and her eyes were crimson like mine, there was no mistaking it. She was Stella.

Her sword resembled my demon sword but it felt… impure? I guess?

She noticed me and dashed towards me. "Crap! That's way too fast!" I instinctively used lightning speed to dodge her blade. I then appeared behind her, kicking her on the back. She was blown away quite far. But in just a second, she was back.


[ Lucy ]

[ Health: ???/??? ]

"So she was Lucy huh?"

I heard screaming from behind me. They were students asking for help. I summoned both Rulid and Cerberus.

They both nodded and headed towards the students.

I was trying to get her out of it but clearly that wasn't going to work.

The three girls behind me screamed in unison. I smiled back at them. I wouldn't want them to worry. "Now…"

Just like before my eyes felt like they were burning. I let out my gauntlets. I wasn't sure if using these skills were a good thing but I had no choice.

"Strength multiplier!"

"Lightning speed!"

"Heavenly eyes!"

I cast all three of my skills at once. We dashed towards each other. I casted [Heavenly Eyes] so that I can keep up with both her and my speed.

I blocked her sword with my left hand. And punched her with my right. But at the same time she kicked me at my stomach. We were both sent flying away. If I got to be honest I don't think I stand a chance against her. But nonetheless I keep going.

With each punch I get in she also follows it up with a kick. But I noticed something, with each kick she gets weaker and weaker. Until she stopped moving…

She screamed in pain. Seems like there's a toll on her body. She held her check until I noticed it. There was a crystal embedded in her… cleavage.

"Hell no! Don't tell me I've gotta get that!" but alas I have no choice but to do it. "I hope she doesn't call me a pervert…" I sighed and dashed towards her at full throttle. I reached for the crystal and pulled it out. She screamed in pain. It made me feel sorry for her to feel these kinds of things. But I had to do this. She was clearly suffering. Tears were running down her face. Until she fell unconscious. I caught her as she fell.


"Save me please. Please save me Kashi." I don't know why, but the power within me is raging even more. It all started with me taking a liking to Kashi. Maybe he's the reason. But I don't mind. I love him now after all.

Today Kashi showed a lot of powerful skills. He even defeated Shiina, one of the most powerful students at this school. He never ceases to amaze me. I've fallen for him even more. I hope he doesn't hate me if I suddenly went berserk…


What I was fearing has come. My chest hurts. The crystal embedded on my chest containing my overdrive gear, is now running rampant. My overdrive gear is called Holy Blade. But it really isn't all that holy. It has a separate out of control form, the Demon Blade. Whenever I use it I turn berserk. And sometimes with it being not used for too long it goes berserk and takes control of me. I'm scared, Kashi save me please.


Ah it's painful, but it's okay. At least now I won't feel pain from that crystal anymore. Kashi's looking at me… he looks like he feels sorry for me. He also looks worried, sorry Kashi…


I'm at the demon castle at hell right now. I wouldn't want people coming up to Stella and taking her away. Luckily this place has a clinic. I was actually surprised by this place having a lot of staff. Where did all of these people come from…

"Hey please remove that smug look on your face…"


"Hey system, how come ailments get through my defense stat?"

[Answer, your defense stat only covers physical damage as well as magical damage, however it does not cover ailments.]

Huh, so that means I really should get some resistance to some ailments…

As I was talking with the system Stella came out of the clinic.

I waved at her with a smile. She definitely needs more rest though…

Apparently her overdrive gear was a prototype. The concept was making two variations of the weapon with different abilities. But since it was a prototype it was understandable that it was unstable. After explaining it to me, Stella looked around in confusion.

She looked at me dumbfounded. "Don't worry, I'm pretty surprised too."

She was also a Demon Lord. Well an artificial one at least. I wonder how they did it…

Elize said as she was about to give me my tea. She left about 10 minutes ago. She said she already prepared some. She only got here this long because of the distance. This place sure is big…

"Crap, system help me"

[Hmph, I can do anything anyways!]

Is she mad or something? But this is bad. Stella might think I've introduced her as my wife or something.

Hey, why are you flustered? Hey… don't tell me.

She nodded before I even finished what I was saying. "Well that explains her reaction sometimes."

Her smile is so precious. As I looked at her smile my phone rang. It was Leon… weird.

I ended the call and waved off goodbye to Stella. I told Elize to explain everything to her.


We were at the school again. The back of the gym to be precise. There are a lot of authorities investigating what happened here.

"The hell?! How did they not find him?! And why are you bowing?! I thought you'd stop after you introduced yourself! Stop! Please stop! It's weird!"

It really isn't my problem. But now I'm more than Stella's friend. If the authorities get their hands on her… I don't even want to think about it. Actually if Mr. Julius finds out about our relationship then… argh.

This is gonna be a pain in the ass.