The Nine-tailed Fox despairs

Wu Yun's mind is engulfed in a fog of pain. He can't tear his eyes away from Lan Tian's body. 

His fault.

Lan Tian is dead and it's his fault. He's dead because Wu Yun's past life as Ling Yan found a way to catch up to him in the present, and Lan Tian was caught in the undertow. 

Why couldn't he have been allowed to lead a quiet life as Wu Yun?

Why must he suffer in the present for a past that he has no recollection of, and only experiences through disconnected dreams? And why was Lan Tian the one to pay the price for it?

There's a great rumble not far away, but Wu Yun can't focus on anything besides his own pain. He feels as if his senses have grown dull. Every sound seems muted, and every colour looks dim.

Briefly, he wonder if that's what the rest of his life is going to be like without Lan Tian.
