The Nine-tailed Fox doesn't want to dream, and yet must

They stay in contemplative silence, listening to Xin Liqin's mournful song, until it finally fades in with the sound of the wind rustling through naked tree branches.

Lan Tian runs his fingers over Wu Yun's silky fox ears, pensively. "Too bad there isn't enough water, I could really use a bath right now."

Wu Yun snorts against his chest, slipping his fingers between the gap between his collar to get at skin. "Uhm, me too, I love bathing with you."

His fingers trail down Lan Tian's chest, skirting over a nipple, his blunt fingernails dig into the smooth skin just to hear Lan Tian's breathless gasp.

Wu Yun wishes the situation didn't feel so dire, that they weren't in unfamiliar territory surrounded by strangers. He wants peace of mind to be able to indulge in Lan Tian's presence, his languorous kisses, his body.

He wishes he could stop running without knowing where he's meant to arrive.