The Nine-tailed Fox takes lives

tw: for uh, murder, eye gore (sigh, would I even be me if there wasn't eye gore), veiled threats of rape


When the source of the footsteps approaches him, Lan Tian is shocked to see another dragon.

A beautiful woman, with silver horns and eyes, and white hair streaming down her back almost to the floor. She wears simple, yet finely-made robes, billowy peach silk that hugs every curve of her lanky frame. Her hands are folded in front of her waist, and Lan Tian notices that her fingers seem stained with red. 

Her clear eyes glance over Lan Tian as if he isn't there.

Considering he's naked in the middle of her palace that seems like a hard thing to do.

"I'm sorry for intruding," Lan Tian says, covering himself awkwardly.

The woman pays him no mind, and continues on her way, apparently oblivious to his presence.

It's one thing for her to ignore him, but Lan Tian is certain she didn't hear or see him.