Hello guys. So here we go.
Some people seem to think that Basara is weak or whatever because he said he might have hard time dodging Akeno's spell.
I can't believe I have to explain so clearly what he means. But I am tired and don't wish to waste my time.
1) For people who don't read the novel. Did you know that Vali is said to move at light speed when using Scale mail? You didn't. Well, now you do. of course, it's possible to debunk it. But even then, his speed at the start of the story isn't far from that.
Now let's go back to Akeno.
Akeno spells are Lightning. I think I don't have to explain how fast lightning is.
please don't throw arguments like "Anime logic or Anime physic" because it means absolutely nothing and has no value as an argument.
Now then. Why did Basara say that he would have a hard time dodging Akeno's spell?
In a normal fight, while Akeno's spell itself has lightning speed, she doesn't. What is important here, is the time she takes to form a spell.
in one vs one setting. Basara can completely blitz Akeno before she even forms one circle of her spell and crush her or he could react when her spell is nearly cast and change direction.
Meaning, even though her spell are fast. since she isn't fast herself there are ways around it.
it's like how Humans don't need to move at the speed of sound to dodge a bullet in theory by moving away from the muzzle and shit (I say in theory because that shit generally only happens in movies but whatever. you get my point)
So now. We know that Basara would have hard time dodging Akeno's spell but not dodging Akeno herself as long as they are one vs one.
But here is the problem. Why would akeno fight him one vs one? She is a fucking mage/priestess.
Her job is to find the occasion and place to throw the spell while her team does the job.
By the way, did I say that Kiba had FTL réaction speed? I didn't?
Though Kiba only had about speed of sound at the start, near the end of DxD vol 25. He is one of the fastest devils. But this isn't what matters. we are talking about Kiba as in season 1 of DxD.
In terms of pure speed. Kiba is extremely high ranked and could even keep up with normal Ultimate devil while being not.
Did I say that Gasper could stop time? Just so anime readers know, currently Gasper sacred gear is considered to be a Longinus. But whatever. Currently, he has shit control.
Now let's imagine this fight. Rias peerage vs Basara. Basara of course does have FTL reaction speed. But he has no FTL feat at the start of Shinmai.
Now let's imagine that Basara didn't know how fast Kiba was or the fact that Akeno could throw lightning at his face.
He is stronger than all of them and is confident that he can't lose.
What happens?
Okay, let's say that he does know about Akeno. Decide to target her. But because Rias isn't dumb (yeah she isn't. since she is the one who prepares the strategy for her team every time. Not Sona level but still recognized as a good strategist by everyone). So because Rias isn't dumb, she prepares to give enough time for Akeno to throw her spell. By using Kiba and Koneko while she acts further and distracts him with her Destruction spell.
Would Basara still win? Yeah, he would.
Would he win without being hit once? Most likely no. But anything is possible in a fight.
Sigh. I don't know how many of you read this until the end but whatever.
I will repeat myself but. I have the entirety of DxD 25 volumes + 3 volumes of Shin DxD. I read DX until vol 4 and know the rundown summary of DX (from 4 to 7). I read all translated vol of Slash dog and even read Denpachi.
For Shinmai I have read all 12 volume available knowing that Shinmai end in vol 13.
I also make a point to read the Wiki regularly to refresh my knowledge. Read battle wiki and visit Quora for discussion.
I may be no expert and I don't claim to be perfect in what I do. But I absolutely hate when readers throw words like "Author doesn't know DxD or he doesn't know what he does"
I could have explained all this in last chapter through Basara's thoughts but I didn't because showing is better than telling and I would have shown all this should they fight. Even more so since there are many parameters I didn't add on Basara side that will be shown literally two or three chapters from now on.
Just for the record. This is the last time I throw a rant like this. Gotta take it out of my chest now. I already finished vol 1 on Patreon and posted CH 41 yesterday. People who actually pay for this shit know what I do and didn't complain without waiting to see what I would do. Since they believe in my skills.
Now, once again I am not perfect nor I am even close to being the best fanfic author (Writers on Fanfiction.net are insane bastard. I don't know when I will reach that level).
I write three stories. I can and will make mistakes or some little oversight. Furthermore many things are subjective and written from my own understanding that may not align with others.
I remember one reader reminded me that Koneko should have been in middle school and another Reader (are they the same? I didn't pay attention) reminded me of the fact that Asia in fact didn't really speak Japanese at the start but Asia and Issei could understand each other because of the supernatural natural of Issei.
All little details that are easy to forget since it has been quite long since I read vol 1. I had to rewatch the Season 1 of the anime because I don't have time to read and skipped many parts of it because anime lack so many clear details and I only wanted to refresh my memory.
I don't mind discussing. I simply don't like when my skills and understanding are put in question.
and I just realized this rant is basically 900 words. should have spent this time writing a chapter but oh well.
Imma stops here. later guys.