~Leveling up~

[You have successfully harvested the heart of green moss]

[You have successfully harvested the heart of green moss]

[You have successfully harvested the heart of green moss]

[You have successfully harvested the heart of green moss]

[You have successfully collected heart of...

The same message was repeated for a long, long time. I really wanted to take full advantage of it. picking up what I could, possibly I would have a hard time finding this type of plant again, so I decided to take the easiest route and stack lots of these plants in my inventory, that was the good thing about RPG, that it allowed you to accumulate items.

"Actually this plant grows like a fucking weed, I found blue, but not a golden one, it's really rare to find a golden moss."

the golden moss didn't seem to grow outdoors apparently, so maybe it grew in humid interiors, like caves, for example, the idea wasn't bad, but I didn't want to get too far from Ethren either, the good thing about picking this plant is that it gives experience for "Botanist" work.

"Botanist level 3, I wonder what other jobs are out there, I better take a crack at Ethren."

I turned around and went in search of Ethren again, who was casually lying on a rock in a pond, enjoying the sun.

"Ethren, I must ask you something."

As I approached this one, I could clearly hear that this one was asleep, apparently, the vigilant elf was not so attentive after all.

"Tell me, what do you need to know?"

I scratched my head in confusion, I was talking to myself, but I was asleep.

"aaah...tell me something, did the yellow moss usually grow around a lot of water, so the ancient elves cultivated it?

Ethren opened his eyes and stood up, stretching.

"That's odd, but yes. That was their method of cultivation, a lot of moisture is required to maintain the life of the plant, how did you know that?."

The forest was a humid place, but it did not contain enough humidity for the plant to grow and live as planned, the only option left was to look for underground caves that would lead to humid areas, following a river could lead to a waterfall.

"Is there a river around here that we can follow to its source?"

I wanted to find the golden moss, so I could get the reward and at the same time increase my confidence with Ethren and possibly that would also give me a better reputation with the other elves in the world.

~You've found a clue where you can find golden moss~

Ethren smiled with his eyes closed and concentrated on listening around and pointed with his hand in a direction in the forest.

"Over there, in the east, you can find a river, if you follow it you might find its source and the golden moss too."

I started to walk and move around in the woods, but I felt that I was not being accompanied, when I looked back I noticed that Ethren was still sitting on the same rock, it was obvious that he would not follow me.

"It seems like it's just me and nature."

I said to myself in an optimistic way, knowing that in the same way, Ethren wouldn't be much use in looking for a plant.

[You've spent more than 3 hours in the game, playing excessively can be harmful to your health, remember to take a short break]

I ignored the message and continued walking, fortunately, I found the river and a few monsters that I dispatched quickly, but no more than that. I continued following the river for an hour or so and the sun, did not seem to move a bit from its position.

"I wonder how all the other players who came in today are doing, gosh. The welcome party sure was spectacular."

Being walking in the woods, alone and surrounded by nothing, made me start asking myself how the other players were doing, but I wasn't really interested in much, just the free welcome items.

"I could play better if I had friends to play with, but well, no regrets, if I find more people I'll make friends later."

[You have been detected by 2 rock lizard men]

"Human. Invader!"

As I looked to the side, I could see a couple of silhouettes coming towards me.

"lizardmen... of rock?"

I stopped to look at two lizardmen, but these were totally different from the ones I had found on previous occasions, their skin was a brown shade and they had weapons made of rocks.

Something was different about these lizardmen, but their hostility was remarkable so I once again prepared to fight.

"Kill intruder. Eat!"

I could understand what they were saying, but it didn't seem that the language was more than a couple of words either.

Suddenly one of the lizardmen carelessly attacked his partner, leaving him unconscious, which made me question the true intelligence these monsters could have.


The lizard man kept touching his partner to see if he woke up, but to no avail, at that moment he stood up again and looked at me.

"You will pay for what you have done to my blood brother!"

The lizard man screamed. Turning and running, leaving his "Blood Brother" lying on the ground to his fate.

"Wow. Blood brother."

I couldn't help but respond sarcastically.

[The battle is over, one enemy has fled and another has been knocked unconscious]

[Total experience received 490 -75%= 122]

[you've increased your level!]

Level: 1->2

Class: Legion (Lesser)

Health: 800->950

Stamina: 900->920

Rage: 0/1000

Mana: -/-

Strength: 34->38

Intelligence: 25->27

Agility: 15->16

Constitution: 50->58