Chapter 13

"Finally, I can see the light!"

Vince's voice echoed out the vent; the heavenly white luminance of a room, welcoming the two desperate runaways. The noises of clambering stopped. with Josh looking through the tiny gaps of the vent to see if anyone was inside the room. Josh violently kicked the door of the vent open and the two awkwardly came out after what seemed like an hour of navigating through the dark tunnels of internal ventilation system. It seemed as though they were in one of the lab rooms, specifically David's office. All the other lab rooms were locked, as the rest of the scientists were let off on their break.

"I'm never doing that again"

"Hopefully we won't need to"

"Is it always like this? You know, the high stakes of death and everything?"

"Welcome to a day in the life" responded Josh bluntly. Suddenly, there could be footsteps heard in the corridor outside: they were only getting louder. Josh and Vince instinctively stuck themselves to the wall where the door was, with Josh signalling Vince to be quiet, as he was carefully drawing his gun and preparing to shoot.

The footsteps were getting louder. Louder. Louder. Until the door swung open and Josh pointed a gun at the person's head.

"Don't move"

"Woah! Calm down, it's just me", David flinched.

The person who entered was David Powell fortunately. Josh slowly put the gun down as David let out a sigh of relief.

"So you know what's happening right now?"

"Do I know? Of course I fucking know. I'm just trying to survive like the rest of you. Do you know what happened to the others?"

Neither Josh or Vince replied to the question. David let out a sigh, this time sounding disappointed.

"Oh well, I guess they're gone. It's just us three now"

"We're trying to make contact with the scientists"

"Can't do that. They already cut all the lines off."

"There must be some way we can get in contact with the outer world!" Vince was now starting to sound desperate, losing hope in the groups survival.

"No, not really. With all these Guardsmen running around the place, we're pretty limited in terms of what we can do at the moment."

"So what do you suggest we do?", asked Josh.

"I don't know! You tell me, you're the one with the guns and stuff. I'm just the guy who deals with the tech."

Josh hesitated for a moment, taking into account the details in which David had told him.

"You built the Guardsmen, didn't you?"

"Contributed towards building the prototype, yes that's correct", David proudly answered (despite his design having contributed to the killing of millions).

"So don't they have something like a ... a power source? You know, like an entire network of servers we could destroy? And all of them would just be destroyed?"

"If they did, that wouldn't be a very foolproof design would it, Josh? No, they don't have anything like that. And even if they did, I think those "terrorists" would have already taken that into account. They're smart, you know ... It's as if they're receiving information from the inside, and they know our every movement."

"You're not just

Just as he said that, two Guardsmen pulled up into the lab, guns at the ready.

"They're in here!", one of them exclaimed as they all started to collectively fire at the group of three, with penetrating lasers zooming and flying across the lab. Josh fired back with duel pistols while David and Vince hid behind a nearby desk, as they could hear the deafening pitches of the deadly lasers. Vince covered his ears and shut his eyes tight, wanting this seemingly never-ending nightmare ... to be over.

"Had enough yet?", Cwa smiled to see a broken man; sweat drenched his forehead. Tylo didn't have the energy to look up at her face, which was now glowing with triumph.

"Why don't you just kill me already?", Tylo candidly asked; and the exhaustion and strain in his voice clearly signified pain.

"Silly! Then it wouldn't be as fun, would it now?"

"I know you're not enjoying this, as much as you may be showing your enthusiasm." The two siblings proceeded to make hard eye contact, the sound of silence and the feeling of tension gradually filling the room.

"Pfffft! You don't know enough about me to make such assumptions." Cwa proceeded to walk around the room, about to begin. "Do you know the number of years I and everybody else out there had to suffer, with your shit ideals and laws and all the chaos happening? Huh? Well, I'll tell you. FIFTEEN. FUCKING. YEARS. And where were you all that time? You abandoned me! You abandoned your family! You did all that so you can wreak havoc on the rest of the world. Mum didn't even live a year after you left and Dad ... well I don't know what happened to him. Anyways, can't you see who's in the wrong?"

"I did that so I could protect you."

"Oh! "I did it so I could protect you." Yeah, sure you did ", Cwa mocked.

"I knew that the consequences of my actions would lead to a greater conflict, which lead to millions of more people dying. I still consider myself lucky to this day for surviving the war, somehow."

"Okay, that's cool, but you didn't have to destroy half the fucking planet, just so that you could build humanity a new future." Tylo couldn't comment on such a valid point. "There's no point in speaking with you. You're just not gonna answer, because you yourself know how wrong you are. Enjoy rotting in this dank cell, you dickhead." And with that, Cwa left the tiny cell while giving her brother the finger, leaving him in the dark. After a few moments to ensure that it was safe, Tylo's polytron activated and he started to laser the chains gradually. He was going to escape, after having enough of everyones' bullshit, and was going to stop Rishi and Cwa at all costs.

"So, have you made your choice yet?", asked Rishi impatiently. He was tempted to whip out his runian sword and finish Pickle off, but he knew Cwa would be pissed if he didn't follow her orders to the letter. Pickle still hesitated. His heart was thumping aggressively and felt like it was going burst out of his chest. He felt a mixture of anger, due to the fact that Yellow had easily fallen for their trap and switched sides, and the uncertainty of what was going to happen if he didn't react quick enough.

Suddenly, the door to the living room slid open, revealing a miserable-looking Cwa. Even Rishi noticed her unusual mood, and could see that she was pretty vexed.

"You're looking quite depressed right now."

"I don't want to talk about it." Cwa abruptly exclaimed.

"Yellow's on our side now. I'm just trying to get this guy to join us", whispered Rishi in Cwa's ear. Her face suddenly lightened up. "Ah well! We're going to make sure that you're well look after. And we're going to be together forever mummy!" Cwa joyfully jumped on the sofa and embraced Yellow. Pickle could clearly see the "fml" expression on Yellow's face, probably regretting her recently announced action (not like she always has that type of facial expression, but this one seems more disconsolate than usual). Cwa then turned towards Pickle with a large grin on her face, bearing her teeth like an animal. "What about you, Pickle?"

At that moment, Pickle had enough.

"I'd rather die than join your cause."

His legs started to move on their own and he rushed at Cwa, preparing his fist backwards to land a hard punch towards her. He then felt all the momentum that he built up in his fist come to a sudden stop, as his punch was stopped by Cwa herself.

"If you're gonna punch me, then at least do it like you mean it", she glared at him, this time her expression turning from a positive to a now dead-serious manner. Pickle was shocked and then quickly attempted to attack her with a left hook, but was then grabbed from the wrist by Rishi.

"Quite bold of you to fight back", Rishi sinisterly laughed, finding the thought of Pickle choosing the option of violence as his last attempt to struggle himself out the situation. Rishi then landed a kick with the leg and drove it into Pickle's chest, knocking him through the air at least a few feet backwards. Pickle wasn't going to give up yet, as he immediately got up the moment he made contact with the floor and was about to strike again until he immediately felt a sharp sudden impact across the back of his head. He tried to ignore the pain and move his legs forward, but soon felt an immense force dragging him towards the floor. Soon he was on his knees, then on his front and gradually faded out of consciousness. Although, just before it went all black, he managed to make out the figure standing in front of him as Yellow and had shortly realised that she was the one who hit him.

"You bastard...", he said with a raspy voice, before giving in to the darkness.

"Well... that was quite inconvenient.", commented Cwa.

"What should we do with him?", asked Yellow, seemingly unfazed after knocking her ex-colleague out cold.

"He clearly made his choice by attacking us just now. I say we just kill him right now.", Rishi coldly suggested.

"That'll just make it all too easy. I want to rip off his nails and tongue while he's conscious. Then probably chop his dick off and feed it to Cwarwa!" Cwa seemed delighted with this unorthodox ideal that she just came up with. "But for now, lets throw him into a cell or something. I want him to suffer alone just like how I suffered, then he'll really know what pain feels like."